The food police…
I’m going to be honest…
I was the epitome of a food police in my college days, before I went to school to learn about nutrition!
I would always JUDGE my friends, and tell them what they were eating wasn’t healthy. I had pretty noticeable disordered eating, looking back on it.
At the time I was vegan, and referred to milk as “pus,” and I’m surprised my friends put up with me.
Reflecting on that behavior, I noticed my dad was the food police of our house (sorry but true- love, you dad!).
He would say, “OH, you’re going to eat all THAT?” or, “All that sugar really isn’t good for ya!”
I didn’t realize it then, but it had a real impact on my relationship with food.
My mom and I would SNEAK sodas at the local vending machine (back in the day they had more of those) during summers and SNEAK ice cream into the house.
It caused a lot of shame around foods that I thought were “bad.” I thought I was bad.
How sad is that?!
Many of your food stories may be the similar and I would invite you to look closely at that without judgement.
So, in honor of all of the disordered eaters out there- let’s refrain from commenting on other people’s food choices! They are free to make them.
And chances are, once the freedom of food choices is embraced, the best choices will be chosen more and more, over time.
Studies have shown that time and time again, when something is restricted, it’s often craved even more and in turn, binged.
If you’re curious about diving into this more, come explore it with me!
Stay Minted,
Megan G.