The “best” diet.
Let me start by saying, that I do not do “diets.”
That being said, there are so many different ways of eating. Whether it’s Paleo, Keto, Low Fodmap, or the Mediterranean diet, each one may serve a purpose.
Here are a few ways to ensure you are eating for your best self:
1.) Eat intuitively.
Eat when you’re hungry.
Stop when you’re full.
Be mindful of distractions.
Honor yourself, and what you truly need.
The list goes on…
2.) When it comes to food choices, whatever they may be, a few good choices:
Choose the best sources possible- meaning organic, free range, grass-fed etc.
Enjoy a wide range of plants.
Include protein, fat and fiber with meals to stabilize blood sugar throughout the day.
Eat a variety of proteins.
Be mindful of processed and packaged foods.
Become conscious of refined sugar.
SO, you see there is no best “diet,” but rather great ways of living!Simple (but that doesn’t mean it’s easy).
Stay Minted,
Megan G.